Infoscreens for construction sites

Infoskærme målrettet byggepladser
Infoskærme målrettet byggepladser

Infoscreens for construction sites

  • Enhances sharing knowledge
  • Focus on safety
  • Can be adjusted to any company and needs
  • A simple system everyone can use
  • Shows pictures from safety inspection
  • Shows supplier calendar and blocked or accessible driving roads
  • Bookingsystem for the suppliers
  • Can be delivered as a touch or standard solution


In corporation with Skanska, Sjaelsoe Management and Solstra Development we have developed an infoscreen specifically targeted towards construction sites.

These years, there is a particular focus on safety at the construction sites in Scandinavia. The goal is to eliminate the number of accidents and create safe working conditions on the construction sites. At the same time, better and more efficient ways of communicating and sharing knowledge are desired, and the info screen has several unique advantages. 

It serves as a focal point for part of the knowledge that the administration, security representatives and building managers would like to share with workers and suppliers. It’s main focus is to achieve a synergy on the construction site between everyone moving in the area and optimizing safety.

An info screen with many options

The info screen can for instance display pictures from the security inspection, it has a calendar that shows deliveries to the construction site where suppliers can book their own timeslots for delivery to the construction site via mobile or website and thus help to create an overview for everyone at the construction site. The calendar also shows which driving and access routes are blocked during which times. The info screen can be used to draw attention to decisions made by security meetings, inspection and the like, and to motivate a safe working environment by means of ‘nudging’. The opportunities for knowledge sharing are many. Most importantly, the system is very simple to use, which our system is praised for.

You decide the future!

You have the expertise and know your company focus on the construction site and you determine the content of your info screen’s. We want to make your everyday life easier and we design the user interface so that it helps to create security, and increase the level of information for your employees – they way that works best for you.

When you purchase an info screen solution at Visual Display you also get a number of creative and talented developers with great technical competence in the package, and we further develop the user interface for the info screen, so that it makes sense to you and so it facilitates your everyday life.

Info screen targeted construction sites – something for you?

Maybe you could use an info screen on the site? With an Info Display from Visual Display you get an already tested and trusted info system that you can shape and fill with the information, maps, documents and much more to help workers stay informed about the many things that expand so that it also fits into your everyday life. The info screen can be of great benefit to the construction site and simplify many of the workflows at your construction site and help sharing knowledge on a daily basis.

Contact us and let us have a non-committal talk about how we can help you.

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